A Conversation With Eberhard Faber IV


In researching American pencil-making I have encountered one overriding consistency: trade-related print sources are mostly inconsistent, especially the early ones. And as with any long story, names, dates, places, and events are told and retold until at best they become nearly impossible to discern, and at worst transform into myths. The best chance to get at the truth then is to try and speak with those who witnessed this history firsthand, or better yet, are themselves a source of this history.

I recently had the privilege of speaking with Eberhard Faber IV, CEO of the Eberhard Faber Company from 1973 until its sale to Faber-Castell in 1988. We covered a wide range of topics, including early company history and interesting facts about some pencils readers of this blog might be familiar with. Here are a few excerpts from that conversation:


Of Mongols and Blackwings

One of the things I was most interested in asking Mr. Faber about was the origin of the Mongol, one of the world’s most identifiable and iconic pencils:

“John Eberhard, who was my grandfather’s brother, and as head of sales, founded the United States Trademark Association. He did it to protect the Mongol trademark, which was one of the original trademarks in the trademark association. He was also responsible for naming the Mongol pencil, which was named after—not the Siberian graphite which he is often given credit for—but after his favorite soup: Purée Mongole.

John was a real marketing man. He used to sell the Mongol pencil in a jewel box he took around—he would display it as if it were a jewel; people were more concerned with quality back then.”


The Second World War could be interpreted as a dividing line here, where a cultural shift from the significance of quality to a preoccupation with cost occurred. For instance, consider that the Blackwing was a premium pencil yet it was introduced during the Great Depression—it remained in the Eberhard Faber Company catalog for more than sixty years, and its popularity was based mostly on word-of-mouth rather than company advertising:

“The original Blackwing was introduced in 1934. The lead was a formula that my father developed [Eberhard L. Faber, 1893-1945]. He was a chemist, and in fact he developed most of our lead formulations at the time. The Blackwing, I think, was the first wax-impregnated lead, which is one of the things that gave it its smoothness. It was popular among people who did crossword puzzles because it wrote well on newsprint.”

I was curious to learn how the company viewed this pencil, because compared with the campaigns for the Mongol, Van Dyke, and the Microtomic I have come across very little in terms of advertising, despite years of research:

“There was an advertising campaign in the New Yorker Magazine [1965], and my mother was responsible for that—she was at that time in charge of public relations. That [ad] reawakened a certain amount of interest in the Blackwing, but it always had its fans, who would not use anything else.”

There is so much left to discover, not only about iconic pencils such as the Mongol and the Blackwing, but about the history of the Eberhard Faber Company—an institution whose contribution to writing culture was also witness to more than 140 years of American history, from the Gold Rush in 1849 until nearly the 21st century. I’m hoping in future posts to share what more I might discover.

Special thanks to Mr. Faber and to Lo Faber for their help, time, and attention.

Update 6-11: Michael over at Orange Crate Art has whipped up a batch of purée Mongole and has shared the results. Sadly for me, peas in any form—split, puréed, liquid, solid, gas, or plasma—are anathema. Maybe there’s a split pizza soup I don’t know about.

Update 6-15: I came across an article from 1971 saying the soup story is apocryphal. I should have a definitive answer in about two weeks.


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15 Responses to A Conversation With Eberhard Faber IV

  1. memm says:

    This is so fascinating. The information you keep uncovering over the years seems to get more and more exciting. I can’t wait for more blog posts about this!


  2. Gunther says:

    This is very exciting! Thank you for your continuous effort and for sharing all these great details. I too can’t wait to learn more!


  3. jankdc says:

    Thanks Sean, I’d love to read more.


  4. This is great!

    Who’s going to be the first to make purée Mongole?


  5. I’m a passable soup-maker, but Elaine makes great soup. I will have to broach the subject with her.


  6. Stephen says:

    Thanks so much for expending the time and energy to conduct this interview, and especially for sharing!


  7. Sean says:

    Thanks, everyone!


  8. Sola says:

    Wow!!! This is an amazing post. I too am waiting for more 🙂 Personally I hope the conversation will touch on how and why the company produced such a wide range of pencils, and, if at all possible, on the logic of numbering them… I wonder if the four-digit models were cheaper and more design-oriented, whereas the three-digit ones were more “quality”. Anyway, can’t wait!


  9. The soup is spectacular, and surprisingly easy to make. (I made it, with some guidance from Elaine about pureeing.) I wrote a post with some details and a link to a good recipe.


  10. Sean says:

    Update 6-11: Michael over at Orange Crate Art has whipped up a batch of purée Mongole and has shared the results. Sadly for me, peas in any form—split, puréed, liquid, solid, gas, or plasma—are anathema. Maybe there’s a split pizza soup I don’t know about.


  11. There are so many flavors that you might not even know they’re in there, but if you’re allergic, no, it’s not for you. 😦


  12. Pingback: Eberhard Faber Mongol 482 | the weekly pencil.

  13. Pingback: Two Knights to Remember (III): Preserving the Past | Contrapuntalism

  14. Karl von Knoblauch says:

    I really enjoyed reading the comments about Eberhard Faber, the Mongol Pencil, the Blackwing pencil (my favorite) and other EF products. I was one of their salesmen from 1969 to 1988 when the company was sold. It was a sad day for the sales force. We were like one big family. Great memories.


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